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samedi, décembre 25, 2004
Merry Christmas Y'all!!! =D
11:35 PM
OOOSSHH!!!! WOOOT!!!~~~ JESUS IS BORN!!! -ONCE AGAIN! =D Man... Christmas has been always improving each year. There's more happy faces, exhillerated spirits and the fuzzy warm feeling to know that, we are more glad that Jesus, Our Savior is born once again. I was able to bring two sisters to attend our Christmas production in Nexus Auditorium, Hope of God church. Yey!! Viv and Hiang suan went. Boonkiat was there too but he was just doin the Santa Claus job. He was too booked!! haha... What more, that was on the eve of Christmas day. I booked him the day before. Charis didn't reply me so she wasn't able to go. Guess t'was too late. Northeast peeps were to go carollin after the service. I didnt go. I had other events in the Catholic church with my family. =) Everything were just simply wonderful. My family celebrated in the early morning at the stroke of 12 midnight. I suffered drinking Grape wine! Eew... I didn't quite like it. Unlike my bro who practically devored on it gulping and finished the rest of the wine in the bottle!!! Anyhow, I managed to finish the glass. I received heaps of greetings and thoughts! ahahaha... Ya ok, duh!!~ I did receive presents and gave them too. I wasnt able to give out everything cause some where absent, or so they didnt stay for lunch/dinner. It's still pending, waiting under the cute lil Christmas tree which stands in the living room. Everyone practically tore-opened their gifts but me. Haha... cz I knew what was there already except for Boonkiat's. Although i knew it was some kind of book. =) My parents had urged me on alright... In the early morning of December 25 2004, I was woken up to talk to my dear cousin, Cherrymae. YEY. Well, we talked for like 25 minutes I think. haha... That was what mom said. Somehow, we were lost for words. It clearly shows how we miss each other and long to see one another next year!!! I can't wait!! It's like, I've got all I'm waiting for, and I couldn't ask for more. =) Sentence sounds familliar? It's a song =D So many things are gonna happen next year!!! LOADS AND LOADS!!! DEFINITELY EXCITING TO THE CLIMAX!!! E.g: Gradutation from High sch, best yet, the HUGE reunion from both of my family sides!! My relatives around the globe, mainly from America, Italy and Canada are gonna go to Phils and have our reunion! Party everyday with my classmates and childhood friends there, WOOSH!!!!! Just so many!!! =D I just learnt today, that my family, esp my siblings and I, we have a blood of Spanish!!! Spanish blood runs in our family!! Oh mah Gosh!! hahaha... My mom's grandparents are spanish! That means, my great grandparents. I knew that all along, there were still alive then. in the 30th century. It was only recent to my acknowledge that they past away just recently. I barely could remenisce how they look and all. Despite my mom tryin to help me know and remember that they usually spend vacation in our home during Christmas and New year! Oh man... I was young then. My great grandma was truely fair. So that explains why I was fair when I was lil!! haha...!! *excited!* While my greatgrandad was the opposite! haha... Black? Yeah... But not so compared to tamils here. His hair's kinky. And gee, remarkable thing is, he lived for 102 years of age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MAN!!!! WOW Today I had a desire to help the people in need. Surprisingly, my parents knew some organisations. My dad emailed me one truely touching and amazing story. I may post it here although it would be rather long. Read the chpt 7 of Purpose Driven Life. God spoke to me of my recent actions. While readin, I had a desire in readin the bible too and this caught my eye: Daniel 11:9 and 13 "He replied, "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.Many would be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked would continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand." [13] "As for you, go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive and alloted inheritance." I knew then that God spoke to me through the verses. God bless Y'all and Take care~ Merry Christmas! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The name's Karen. Currently residing in Singapore But her heart belongs in Baguio City She yearns to go to America where her relatives and frens live. Born on the 15th June She's a yellow fanatic. A friendly lass with a good heart. Really. =p Do tag my board yea? EVERYONE'S WELCOME!! ^_^
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I am still that late-comer queen.
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cz i keep the things noted in my head and
frm dere, once i have enough cash, i buy dem to reward myself. =D
i just need this space filled and a "wishlist" is wat ppl write. crap.)
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