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dimanche, février 20, 2005
For the Sake of bloggin'
12:21 AM
Lemme just blog for the sake of bloggin... So far my life is better. haha! Although I did loose my materialistic things, I'm grateful that God didn't let that @*(#&, oopz... let that THEIF steal my bag. wahaha... Ok, shall not crap. Wanna thank God that I'm still breathin every second and that my loved ones are around me. Steal my stuffs all you want! It will deferred me for a while, but God is with me! U can't steal my love and devotion to him! =P Flag day was exhaustin!!! I bought my books along to study cz I thought that I won't be asking for donations for 4 1/2 hours! Planned to go here, there and to study but I ended up asking for donations! So angelic of me! hahaha.... *winks* ;-) I just thought of those patience... esp, we came across a nurse who asked me what the donation was for... She informed us a bite of info about "The singapore heart foundation" Went with my group but they were uncontactable so Liyi and I pursued on from Bishan to Toa payoh and back to Serangoon. It was an awesome but tiring experience with that can. Now I know how it feels when students ask for donations... Lil did I expect that when I step foot in Singapore I'll be doin what I saw years then. Came straight home after returnin the 3/4 full tin! Yey! I loved it when it becomes heavy! haha... Wasnt able to attend mass with my family. I was that exhausted. The first thing I did upon reachin home was to plonked down on my parents bed! haha... Cz it's bigger and comfy than mine... Slept for...3 hours, studied and now bloggin. This thought came across my mind... "I'm gettin tired of bloggin and bored over the internet... Should I continue?" Holler me your views at my chatterbox area! Ur readin is at stake here! haha... Besides, most of my friends are so outdated! ahahaha... I mean, they don't really do these things... Cya~ Hmm... I find myself thinkin of LUI lately...... lui lui lui... lui lui lui.... hehe... VOWS TO KEEP: Start saving again. [For pasalubongs] Don't bring wallet to school, only coin purse! haha [To be more careful] Minimise travelling by cab... [Save the fare instead!] SLEEP AND WAKE UP EARLY ["An early bird catches the worm.."] BE PUNCTUAL! [K I C K the habit!!] Keep track of PTT (personal time table) [Thinkof the precious time u had taken to plan this] More pratice in francais! [So that I won't be so blur in french. heh... impress Mme Faussat! Alas! A french teacher from France! =D] Study harder [Os' my dear... last year! last year!] Lose weight! [Prom night! haha.. I reckon I wont be able to attend...] Reply letters [They're expectin... To keep in touch!] |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The name's Karen. Currently residing in Singapore But her heart belongs in Baguio City She yearns to go to America where her relatives and frens live. Born on the 15th June She's a yellow fanatic. A friendly lass with a good heart. Really. =p Do tag my board yea? EVERYONE'S WELCOME!! ^_^
bold italics underlined
all about moi
your profile, wishlist and everything that concerns you in here.a little bit of narcissism won't hurt, and vanity isn't a sin. WISHLIST
A human timer.
I am still that late-comer queen.
(i dont really nid a wishlist..
cz i keep the things noted in my head and
frm dere, once i have enough cash, i buy dem to reward myself. =D
i just need this space filled and a "wishlist" is wat ppl write. crap.)
keep the width below 180 pixels. cbox is recommended. affiliates
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Music calms the beast in me. Music calms the beast in me. your links here. keep them in clouds if you want. |