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mercredi, mars 16, 2005
Reflections and Actions
12:05 AM
Reflections and Actions I'll skip my Testimonial for one of the days to come. I'll post it up this holiday. So many thoughts have piled over my head, I want to get them listed so to feel free, unload to an extent. Yesterday, I really slacked the whole day. Indulged myself to music, in the world of Dan Brown's books and lotsa rest in slumber land! =) For some reason, I told mom to cancel my math tuition out of sheer laziness! Ugh... hated myself for that... anyway, I was really beat cz I spent my weekends in school due to our Student Councillors' Family Day camp. We slept at 1am! PLus, the camp was disorganised! Loved the games and food though.... "Love your neighbor as you love thyself." Correct me if I'm wrong. That's found somewhere in the bible yea? Dad told me that when I complained my ass off over our new inconsiderate neighbor! The lad in his thirties practically shattered my first impression about him and hence, my hospitality to our residence. Reasons are as follows: 1. He smoked in the elevator! [It's illegal to smoke in the lift!!] 2. He disposes his cigar ashes down 9 floors under while standin outside his corridor! Mind you, I took the stairs goin down cz was pissed off when I knew one of the elevators was POLLUTED. The other lift took a longer time, people were pourin' in. I saw the cigar ash fall to the ground! I was nearly hit!! Damn it!! 3. He drives while talks to his celllphone. [Breaks the rules again! No talking ont he phone while driving! At least use the wire or speaker phone!] 4. He disposed his 2 buds of cigars in the drain when the HUGE CHUTE is just outside his apartment!!! [Lazy Bum! no wonder he's big size] Perhaps today's the most embarrasssing day of my life. I'm one of the emcees for the Speech Day 2005 which would be held in April Fool's day, but this, my part and experience, is not an early joke for the day of fools. Rehearsal was from 9am -1pm. Woke up at 7.30, I didnt get up, slept again and woke up again at 8; slept for another 15 minutes then only I got ready. UGH... how I hate it. I always tend to procastinate due to the thought that I 'don't wanna be too early nor too late -just on time!' I ended up taking a cab down. [ Broke my resolution] Was late for 5 minutes but my GOSH!!, the parade had already commenced!! SHIT! Everyone in lined! Every uniform group laid out! And it seemed that THEY WERE WAITING FOR ME!!!!!!!!!! UGH!! YES, they were... The two NCC officers [I think] told me, "You're Late!" K, "Yeah... I know..." while walking inside... just imagine the horror of shock when I saw everyone in line and prepared! SHACKS! I can't erased the memory, the look Ms Kang [Of all teachers, my MATH teacher is in charge of the WHOLE event] and Ms Kodi's [DM] annoyed look upon seeing me at the gate! I ran across the car park where the assembly of various uniform groups stood and hop unto the grand stand with Daniel! EVERY FACE IN THERE MUST HAVE GOTTEN ALL EYES ON ME!!! UGH....... SHITTY FEELING! So ROTTEN! When i got there, he gave me the mic, it was my line then... and guess what i said? The line read, " Ladies and gentlemen, pls put our hands to welcome our guess of honour for the Get the "JOKE" in there? In case you don't, I ended up being the "guess of honour" turn Emcee. =Z When I got there, they were waiting for the arrival of the guest-of-honour [prentend] which ended being me.... Thank God Ms Kang didnt give me her attitude and all time scoldings! Her facial expressions already scares the hell out of me! Ms Kodi did reprimanded me, but PHEW~!! She was KIND to me... all bcz she look sick... Anyway, thank God.... lala~ I do hope this teaches me a lesson over punctuality and a spank to my slef-discipline area. A Blessed Birthday to my goody friends: Melissa, Da Zhong and Kian Wee! =) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The name's Karen. Currently residing in Singapore But her heart belongs in Baguio City She yearns to go to America where her relatives and frens live. Born on the 15th June She's a yellow fanatic. A friendly lass with a good heart. Really. =p Do tag my board yea? EVERYONE'S WELCOME!! ^_^
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your profile, wishlist and everything that concerns you in here.a little bit of narcissism won't hurt, and vanity isn't a sin. WISHLIST
A human timer.
I am still that late-comer queen.
(i dont really nid a wishlist..
cz i keep the things noted in my head and
frm dere, once i have enough cash, i buy dem to reward myself. =D
i just need this space filled and a "wishlist" is wat ppl write. crap.)
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