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dimanche, novembre 28, 2004
Bad day...
11:03 PM
28 Nov 2004... Having thought that i could be better, an eminent President for my cca, turned out that being in the grand position isnt a piece of cheesecake. Planning a party for the graduating beloved seniors sure have been a swat to me. My excos are so hard to reach, most of them are only available by their home phones. I reckon they still live in the 19th century... Tottally different from my batch of excos when I was a secretary then. I just hope that we could cancel the party we have had planned for 2 tedious months. This decision is in a dilemma for my calls and smses to my teacher-in-charge had not returned. Generally you can say this planning has been a fiasco. I didnt plan to fail... [or did I?] I wasnt ready to defeat the challenge that God had in store for me. Nevertheless, I know he won't put me in this position if I hadnt had the ability. Perhaps, Laziness had gotten into me. May it diminish, O Lord! ---- OBS reunion was fantastic although the number of people hadn't been inviting. I sure did enjoyed myself! I was full of zest upon seein' my OBS watchmates, Boonkiat and Daming! ^_^ A game of volleyball had turned out to be a mix game of sepatakro and soccer! Cool yea? Not to mention, we did use the volleyball court complete with a net. haha... Fun!! We went to Palawan beach after Siloso beach where all of us met. The Southernmost part of southest asia had been breathtaking standin on one of the 'towers.' Do you call them 'sky towers?' The walk towards the "twin towers" had been fitfull. We took heaps of pics along the way. ^_^ ANd yes, i've met quite a number of people. Khairul, Sharee [spellin?], Pei shi, the girl she came with, [forgot her name] Kenglam, Alwin, Edwin and Kimberly who had organised the Reunion. I could elaborate more but gotta end here. Having had sleepless nites, i need a good rest. I'm still worried over my cca party.... =S I really really am desperate for it to be cancelled!! I hope I can reach my teacher!! No blessings today... Well, I suppose I was able to remain calm contacting my members about the party... and yea, i did abit of chores here and there when my parents were off. ^_^ Take care y'all and God bless.
Bad day...
11:03 PM
28 Nov 2004... Having thought that i could be better, an eminent President for my cca, turned out that being in the grand position isnt a piece of cheesecake. Planning a party for the graduating beloved seniors sure have been a swat to me. My excos are so hard to reach, most of them are only available by their home phones. I reckon they still live in the 19th century... Tottally different from my batch of excos when I was a secretary then. I just hope that we could cancel the party we have had planned for 2 tedious months. This decision is in a dilemma for my calls and smses to my teacher-in-charge had not returned. Generally you can say this planning has been a fiasco. I didnt plan to fail... I wasnt ready to defeat the challenge that God had in store for me. Nevertheless, I know he won't put me in this position if I hadnt had the ability. Perhaps, Laziness had gotten into me. May it diminish, O Lord! ---- OBS reunion was fantastic although the number of people hadn't been inviting. I sure did enjoyed myself! I was full of zest upon seein' my OBS watchmates, Boonkiat and Daming! ^_^ A game of volleyball had turned out to be a mix game of sepatakro and soccer! Cool yea? Not to mention, we did use the volleyball court complete with a net. haha... Fun!! We went to Palawan beach after Siloso beach where all of us met. The Southernmost part of southest asia had been breathtaking standin on one of the 'towers.' Do you call them 'sky towers?' The walk towards the "twin towers" had been fitfull. We took heaps of pics along the way. ^_^ ANd yes, i've met quite a number of people. Khairul, Sharee [spellin?], Pei shi, the girl she came with, [forgot her name] Kenglam, Alwin, Edwin and Kimberly who had organised the Reunion. I could elaborate more but gotta end here. Having had sleepless nites, i need a good rest. I'm still worried over my cca party.... =S I really really am desperate for it to be cancelled!! I hope I can reach my teacher!! No blessings today... Well, I suppose I was able to remain calm contacting my members about the party... and yea, i did abit of chores here and there when my parents were off. ^_^ Take care y'all and God bless. vendredi, novembre 26, 2004
1:16 AM
It sure does feel great when someone cares for you not having to care if he's a friend or a stranger... u think? I should be in slumber land by now! But here I am blogging... Ok, today's was fine... so messy in the late evening due to the OBE reunion. It turned out not alot, or should i say not even half of my watch is goin. They got something on, either in sch or wrking. Im so enthusiastic over goin that even thought its 6, i'll still go. Aniwae, it's till 8.30pm. He's not goin.... hai... whata chance to talk and see him once more.... i practically, honestly sees his name EVERYDAY AND ANYWHERE I go. All i can say is, " O Lord, My Happiness Lies In You Alone..." So im meeting my church friend on Saturday. He and I are practically almost the same position. Thank God... and at least there's a reassurance that I won't be late cause we'll be meetin up and go to church together! ehehehe... YEY!~ But i still need to gather my own Caregrp that is... wanna get my OBS friends to attend the christmas even this 18-24 Dec... most likely im gonna invite them on the 18th. I just missed an international phone call, i thought it was from Him, cause the number doesn't show. But locally, it says, " Private" but here it doesnt. Then the idea came to me that its really an overseas phone call. I MISSED DIANA'S 2 CALLS!!!! urgh!!! Lesson learnt: NO ELUDING OF PHONE CALLS!!! especially when my gut feelin tells me its an important and an overseas phone call!!!!!! My blessings: Despite an awful messy day, i had a great time cleaning up and packing my room! ehehe... mind you, i got reprimanded by my mom just the other day. Great thing i had motivation to carry on... I think there's hope... I hope IL still feels the same way... 'IL,', u might be wondering wat it means... it aint a typin error! find out the meaning if u care... hehe =P Peace out!! Take care and God Bless~ mercredi, novembre 24, 2004
10:55 PM
VRING~~~ Ok, FINALLY THE FAREWELL PARTY IS OVER!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Can relax now and save my money over bus fares! hahahaha... but we still need to do the the freaking Notice Board... hai~ waste of time siah... Had the party yesterday. The game was fun but chaotic. I doubt everyone participated cause Wanling, Daniel and I were in-charge of 'feeding' them. Overall, i think the best part was the serving of food. It's like everyone did really notice and were anxiously impatient on to what's gonna happen! Everyone turned silent and when in an instant of knowledge, they cheered on!! yea... Most memorable one was the ending part where t'was really touching!! It started after they gave out the certificates to our Seniors. Then came the best award given to Edwin. The one guy who really made an impression towards me. I told him, "I salut you man!" hehe... of course, there were more last words. ^_^ He won most of the awards. The best one is the 'Peicain Model Award' Our DMs gavce an inspiring and motivating speech that Germaine cried!!! wahahaha... I didnt until we formed a semi-circle and the seniors goin around to u sone by one bidding our last goodbye and best wishes... that's when i couldnt bare it cause even Amanda who stood on my lef was tearing then. MOST OF MY BATCH [gals] were crying!! Then of course, it was so contagious, i too mellowed down... We took pics and went home with a smile on our faces. This quote is from Miss Ming to all Seniors, " Being a Student Conuncillor for 4-5 years, you're not a survivor during all those times, but a conqueror." [Something like that..] My blessings: Mom didn't get mad at me ENTIRELY for being lazy not listenin to her cause she wanted me to clean up my room! -_- Tc ya'll God bless~ lundi, novembre 22, 2004
my life...
8:33 PM
Hello... It's been a while sinceI blogged about mah life eh... Have I told you that I do love readin people's blog who constantly update? Yea... and one of them is Cherrymae. It's always up-to-date other than the serious days that she's out of town. ^_^ Ok, mah life. Lately, I have been lamenting towards myself. Feeling low but never been crossed. I don't like being an irritant. But I do get irky towards my lil sistahs. They get to my nerves that sometimes I call them rascals... yea... HEHE... mean me... at sometimes thinking at the expanse of what might have been happenin now if I didnt have had asked for a sis... So much for feeling inferior due to feeling a loner lately, I've been independent on the other hand. Not really the type of person who could go jogging around the park or at the stadium alone... I needed my friends or at least a friend to accompany me to kill the boredom and loneliness. Boy, that has changed! Haha!! Praise the Lord!! I have been joggin to do my 'rounds' [my term] at leat 3 times a week either at Tavistock park to jog for 2o minutes goin there by cycling abt 7 minutes if the rain had just subsided at around 5pm. If not, i'll go to the Stadium to at least cover 6 laps around the running track if the rain is fine and sunny. :) Praise the Lord!! Yey... I could go whenever, wherever i wanna not needing to worry whether i'd be alone. I feel a sense of achievement and confident about being alone working out actually ^_^ Mom usually goes with me in the crack of dawn... but i hardly could wake up. Haha... but IF EVER i NEEDED to, then I would wake up. I love the morning breeze and the fresh air when every else's sleepin.. The constant meeting and 'art and craft' thing we've been plannin for the graduating senior Student Councillor's [or prefects] has finally come to and END!!! YES!!! Lil did I know about it... haha... Thought it was suppose to be on the 24th... -_-" So the Farewell party's tomorrow commencin at 3pm but we need to be early to have our photos taken which would be posted on our SC board. [for the school to know their leaders -_-] It would end at 8pm! wooh!! YEY! Guys, don't forget to bring ur snapshots! -camera!! hehe... The planning of games and the souvenirs were sucha hell moments... we stil have to crack our heads about the games tomorrow and we still need to "test" whether the game is fun... -_- I can't wait to graduate?! Yea... Diana, my first best friend in Singapore, called me last Saturday!!! YEY!! surprise!! T'was just on time since my family and I just got home after mass. hehe... right on shot man!! My hp was switched off cause the battery was low. Until i reached home and started charging it the phone rang... !!!!!!!! =D!!!! She called to ask how i was, the most surprising was, she was letting me know that they would be visiting London, UK thenafter, to New Jersey, US, where they would be migrating at!! get that, MIGRATING!!! T'was really SHOCKIN cause their condition there in India was simply marvellous!! AWESOME i tell ya!! Their house stands by the ocean view, the beach is just walking distance, they've got a fountain INSIDE their home, the shoppin centres are nearby, she's been doin well in her school and SHE'S GOT HER OWN CAR!!! oh cool... SO COOL!! THen "BANG!" "We'll be migrating to NEW JERSEY TOMORROW ONWARDS..." I did felt guilty somehow cause i've not finished her letter... it's really LONG, long enough to be a novel!! haha... if i'm ain't wrong, it's 15 pages already+++ I'm used to writing long letters niwae...heh So there it goes. Oh yea, About church. I needed some comfort and I found it! Both churches which i attended to... God really did heard me, and yes, he has answered my lamentations. "My Happiness lies in you alone... " -from the song 'Centre of My life' "People who count their blessings are happy people" -Sis Shirley "The man who's blessed is the one who feel they are blessed." -Sis Shirley Those are just some from my notes... There are even loads of them. So with that, I thought to myself. "Why do I always feel sorry for myself having to feel lonely, alone from my love ones and no best friend to confide in, when all along, Jesus is out there looking over us... caught too much over my sadness that I forgot Jesus is actually there. See, he won't let us be in this condition for no reason... he'll always 'soar with us above the storm'..." I consoled myself alright... ^_^ =D Surely you do the same... So from now onwards I would always end with the miracles [blessings] that happened at the end of my day. Lastly, one time i accompanied my mom to NTUC [a grocery store]. While shopping, my eye caught SOMEONE who took my heart away! I felt my heart beating and me, standin frozen to the ground!!!! MY eyes were at him, they only went back to 'normal' when he moved... gee.. that was the VERY FIRST TIME i felt the saying, "love at first sight???" hahahahahahahaha..... So after somedays of not meeting him at the grocery store... [which i always go to now whenever i needed something...] i still anticipated aniway... heh.. Then came Saturday, the usual day my family and I attend mass... I SAW HIM THERE!!! hahahaha... He was one of the altar boys... [what an easy way to see him! lol...] haha... I caught his eye... and he practically just chuckled and smiled most of the time... I asked my mom, confirming that, that guy was the one we saw at Ntuc, hahahahaha... the one I went gaga with! Obviously, i showed my mom who the guy was, after getting the things we needed, mom purposely queued behind the guy's mom just to have a good look at him!!! She doesn't approve of his looks... [guess she's too YOUNG to see... ;) =P] At the church, mom went shaking her head of disagreement. STill, i think it was really HIM!! *We had our class chalet last 16-18 at Downtown east!! I took pics. I have yet to gind out how to load them here cause im using my parents new comp. *OBS reunion coming up this friday!! I can't wait!! wanna see th stars!! I hope they are as bright and clear like the ones in the sky of Pasir Ris... ^_^ *Goin Escape and Wild wild wet next week with mah girl friends!! YESH!! Math Tuition pending... [for me to call and choose my own tuitor...] ---- My Blessings Of The Day: Today was awesome! I had the feeling of wearin my full sch uni cause of the weather but there was other feeling that itches me. I went to sch just to buy my books, no intention of staying back to help in the SC thing [honestly] but I was seen right when I was in the middl of the school grounds halfway through the school bookshop when my fella Scouncillors saw me!! they dragged me to the 'farewell speech video.' Dude, i was so nervous cause i'm anxious!! the bookshop might close anytime soon cause it was almost 2.30 and it closes at 3pm!! we were draggin and wasting time for a gd plan to say 'farewell..' bu, thank GOD, we just finished 15 min before 3 and heaved a sigh of relief seeing our lady-bookshop still waiting for costumers!! hehehe!! YESH!!! PRAISE GOD!! Thank God i still came to sch, cause if not, i may nt be able to attend and know what might happen tomorrow! GOD ROCKS!! Take care y'all and GOD BLESS!!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO SOPHIAN AND VANESSA!!! dimanche, novembre 14, 2004
1:13 AM
URGH...there goes my best ever template! i so love the background... i'm going gaga over an artist of the same age as me... gee... if only he knows... hehe... AHHH!!! he melts my heart, makes me happy, makes me groove... hai~ i can't stop looking at him... it never fails to bore me... hah! there it goes. i want my blog to go private!! lundi, novembre 01, 2004
Engineering week
6:39 PM
HEYA!!!! hehehehehe..... anyway, let me venge out my anger first!!! i'm using the new computer. This turned out my parents computer since mine broke down a few weeks before the end-of-year examination. The Mother board broke down and so Dad bought a new one. It's really cool. windows Xp. Just that it's so controlled that i can't even update the outdated version of MSN messenger!!! GRR!!! Oh well... i love it!! It's so quiet!! even the new keyboard is really 'silent' Wanna download somethings in here but i don't have my own desktop in this computer so it really does irate me!! oh well... at least i have my own comp?? =P hehe... Practically, I wanna bring the computer out of my room. It's tempting me too much i can't concentrate on my work!!! hehehe... Today, we had school. Supplementary classes for two weeks meant for sec 3s 2004. T'was not bad at all... getting the hang of Social Studies. At least now it's not so trite compared to the earlier chapters which pratically bored the hell out of me. -_- We're into Education now... I'm impressed, Singapore is smart... they really ensure the capability and comfiness of their people! So unlike mah country. One word describes it -corrupted! We ended early today which is good since we finished before 1pm. at 1, i've gotta go to Ngee Ann for an engineer talk which Ms Young was recruiting us to go to. Gd thing Mrs Oh taught us SS instead of Mr Paul, or else i may have missed out the lessons about Letter Writing. Praise the Lord!!! YEY!! We arrived at Ngee Ann Poly around 2pm, which made me realised that it's actually so much bigger than what i've seen earlier this year during their open house. So much bigger!!! Now i know where the engineer sections are... So we went there... almost like an open house but smaller. The five polytechnics were there each representing their work in their own booths. I thought only Ngee Ann's. Everything in there was about Engineering!! The exhibits shown were tottally amazing!! Awesome!! Singaporeans arent actually that bad after all whenit comes to creativity! Heh... =) Peace out! Minutes later we were invited in their magnificent auditorium! It accomodates for more than a thousand seat!! WOAH.... Anyway, there were 'goody' bags in each sit too. Then i knew that it was actually engineering week!! 1-5 Nov. The minister of Education who was late for 1/2 hour also gave us a speech all about engineerin, future... what present and future engineers are expected to expect... Even the CEO of EDB gave us a speech. I've only to conlcude one thing and that ALL of them never failed to describe engineering as VERSATILE. - __ - And i also learnt quite a few about their talks... haha... in spite of driving me to my slumber land. The word 'engineer' actually came from a FRENCH word, 'ingenuity'. ^_^ Singapore, despite being the smallest country in the world, exports 40% of micro chips such as in computers etc! They are the 3rd largest exporter and maker!! cool eh!! hehe... Singapore is also the best country who makes loads of hard disk!!! wow... simply alluring!!! This country tottally rocks man!! Deserves loads of mah respect!! boy, am i glad to be here! So Singaporeans, be glad cause u've such a successful and wonderful country!! Everyone having to live in here is just lucky! Lastly, we were given a break after 2 hours of being sitted there. Numerous secondary schools were also present during the occassion. Haha... the uncanniest thing is that, there were also students from Queenstown!! haha!! I SAW DA MING!! YEY... gee... I sound like I saw a star and im sucha fan!! haha... Honestly I did!! really!! awesome man!! then I noticed quite a few pupils from Quest too. =) Too bad, wasnt able to see the others. I know Lincoln and Michael are having their camp! Just imagine if they were there..... . . . . . . . . . . . . ^_^ Well, after the break, we didnt pursure the whole program. Ms Young and all of us wanted so badly to leave the place already. Although t'was tremendously interesting, it can get boring too. Plus, our chartered bus was fetching us around 4pm. Mahira and I didn't join them though. We went home by ourselves taking bus 74 which was so much nearer and more convenient to go home. The ride was around 45 minutes and Heck, I saw my best friend's church along the way home. Man... reminds me of the times she was here... Yea, nostalgic reminiscions. Till Here, I've got loads of holidays homework! Oh yeah, Happy Spooky Halloween To Y'all!! Take care and God bless~!! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The name's Karen. Currently residing in Singapore But her heart belongs in Baguio City She yearns to go to America where her relatives and frens live. Born on the 15th June She's a yellow fanatic. A friendly lass with a good heart. Really. =p Do tag my board yea? EVERYONE'S WELCOME!! ^_^
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all about moi
your profile, wishlist and everything that concerns you in here.a little bit of narcissism won't hurt, and vanity isn't a sin. WISHLIST
A human timer.
I am still that late-comer queen.
(i dont really nid a wishlist..
cz i keep the things noted in my head and
frm dere, once i have enough cash, i buy dem to reward myself. =D
i just need this space filled and a "wishlist" is wat ppl write. crap.)
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Music calms the beast in me. Music calms the beast in me. your links here. keep them in clouds if you want. |