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dimanche, janvier 30, 2005
12th Student Councillor's Investiture
11:14 PM
Tomorrow's Peicai Secondary's 12th Student Councillors' Investiture. The highlight for that day is the presentation of the tie pins to our newly batch of councillors. They were trained since secondary one and this is the official and confirming day -finally. Of course, the 'old' but experienced councillors would also be presented to the whole school. Alas, it's mah final year! woo-hoo!! Cheers!! =p I can now just veg! hahaha... ;-) Gonna be ushering the schools that we have invited. The one's I can remember from what Lisa had read were St. Gab, Monfort and Bartley. Most likely RI and RJS too. SInce anyway, they always turn up =) Gonna wear the blazer tomorrow since it's a casual occasion! -_- Damn, that would be so hot! Complete with the neck tie! That's enough to roast me! And gee, my smallest toe nail just developed a blister yesterday!!! My ever first blister in my whole life!!! SERIOUS!! Sickening... Gotta wear high heels tomorrow.... MY BLISTER'S PROBABLY GONNA BURST!! YUCK... eeww... does anyone have any idea how to handle them? heh.... samedi, janvier 29, 2005
9:09 PM
![]() Love this cuddly bear loads! My all time favorite cartoon character! Forever Friends Bears! ![]()
9:02 PM
jeudi, janvier 27, 2005
Best friend called!!!
11:20 PM
Loads of hmwrk! Took a break and my best friend called!! Right on man!!! Damn I loved her accent!! From indian accent to american!! WOO-HOO!! We chat for a while but anyway, she called me right after she suddenly went offline!! Wanna go U.S SOON!!!! waahahahahahaha......... God bless~~ mercredi, janvier 26, 2005
11:16 PM
Am Finally liking Chemistry! Am enjoyin Ms Yap's Lesson although she has gone a bit faster. POA is putting a strain on my brain!! Getting diff!!! Loving Poliya[dunno how to spell] dogs!! ( type of a breed of the dogs) All because our eng teacher spent 15 minutes sharing her stories about them! Scotty and oreo! haha! Cuties! hehe! Thanks to the background screen she uses! They're so Adorable!! I miss my two huge dogs back at home! I think I still prefer huge dogs! heh heh... Loving doggies!! wahahahha... That's it for now... I'll add an extract from Purpose-driven life book soon. Something about love and time which badly caught my attention. Now at chpt 16, "What matters most." Am Loaded with homework and tests! CYA! TC! GOD BLESS! mardi, janvier 25, 2005
6:52 PM
Sometimes your parents pressure you too much they don't empathize with you instead they soak you in a tub of demoralization. Sadden with angst; you try to pick yourself up. Tried to shut those words out of your hectic world, Tried to move on, no matter how disheveled it may be. We did targeting of our grades during CME held in our new school hall. We were also informed about the MSG - expected grades that the teachers think of our potential. All of which are base on PSLE grades and from sec1-3. I was surprised, cause lets say u had your MSG for a subject, let's say, Eng is 3.40. It generally means it’s a grade of a B3. You gotta aim higher than that. You MUST aim higher. So your target would be the next higher level, a target of A2 that would be a distinction. I'm struggling in Chemistry... and FREAK, my MSG for that is 3.34!!! AND YAH... I've to aim for a distinction, A2!!! Weirdoes... Everything was fine except for math... My French is also wavy... AM NOT GOING TO LET THEM DRIFT AWAY! I'LL SCORE!!! Looking at my past achievements in lower sec, recalling the fact that there wasn’t enough pupils to fill up a literature class made me feel low. I still love Lit and Art.... Wouldn’t my grades be a lot more better if only I'm taking those subjects right from sec 3? My passion lies in it... I took a glance at my grades... the grades I pursued with passion and immense interests… elevated me in the line of distinctions…at least the feeling is still there. Reminisced following flashback memories during literature class. How I cherish the moments…the experience. =) Little Prince is my first and last literature textbook. Will it? samedi, janvier 22, 2005
11:08 PM
![]() Messy hair... ![]()
10:57 PM
![]() Lil Sisters!! The whole point's that they've a make-up on. -_- ![]()
10:53 PM
![]() hark! Hari Raja Haji holiday! From left: K, Yas, Aunt Amy, Mom and Nikki ![]()
9:58 PM
![]() The American family whom Auntie Amy Lives with. ![]()
Holy Spirit Baptism
9:27 PM
Today's service was awesome! Loved the music moments... The song "Emotional" by Diana Degarmo was sang splendidly! Genie is her name isn't it? ?_? I HUNGER FOR GOD! Wahaha! So after service, my care group went to a room behind the bookshop. The place was mainly full of new believers. All have come for one reason -Holy Spirit Baptism. Thank God I'm in a group where everyone isn’t so fluent with tongues yet. They prayed for me. There were like 3 of us who agreed wanted to receive it. Only one was successful in that half on hour lap. I felt the words were just there. Somehow, I just couldn't blabber it out. The thought of my parents gives me insecurities. I guess that’s the hindrance… This is the second time they're praying for me... I’m still in the process... But I feel that my parents would be strongly opposing to this. I'm after all, still a Catholic. Already Baptised since I was a baby... So lost in the world of Christianities... Pray for me... I'm lost in these two worlds. The place is vague that my path is obstructed. Take my hand; lead the way so I may see clearly, Witnessing it to myself the greatness of God. Let me soar high freely in the clear azure sky... It has been 2 saturdays I've not attended mass together with my family except for dad. Today was exceptionally cool cause when dad arrived from church he was carryin the guitar! So came the thought ,"He played the guitar during mass?!?!?!" How cool is it to see your dad play during mass?? hah-hah! They're gonna make him a regular player other than the organs and pianos there. COOL!! Haha... the number of guitars at home has been increasin... gonna find a free time to try out the bass guitar!! ELECTRIC GUITARS ARE COOL!!!!
Hari Raya Jaji
1:38 AM
Bloggin this for the second time already. This won't be as exhilarating as the previous one. Internet explorer had to be shut down... wasnt able to save my draft. Tried rummagin through the website address bar but was a disappointment. Wanted to do my assignments but wasnt able to cause Mom barged in. Her friends came over. The ones she met in church. The elite cooks, Aunts Amy and Clement Temptation was so strong! Devouring over the bite-size desserts, the pastry carrot cake got me salivating but not the potato curry puff! Am not in favor of curry as much as gravy. Am no picky when it comes to food, really. Just that I don't like those... People do have preferences =) There goes my new year resolution of losing weight! They asked me typical adult questions too. E.g "What level are you in now?" "What's your ambition?" "Do you've a boyfriend?" Speaking of boyfriend... Mom told Aunt Amy to get me an american boyfriend! KAPAL NIYA! I was right there sitting beside her and she asked her that!!! Or was it requesting?!?! Since she goes to the American school and that she lives with an American family here. Plus, the americans are teachers in the American school. I love their two cute kids! Aunt Amy showed us their pic! Aunt Amy, " She's still studying" Mom, "She's conscious and knows her limits" !!O_O!! I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE SAID THAT!!! Is mom tryin to say that I can have a boyfriend? She already prohibits me from goin on a date! She must've been joking right? That just stinks......... If only Mahira is readin this.... YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW I FEEL!!! At least... Now that thought baffles me... it was only days ago when mom was rackin my brain, telling me to work hard and study for the Os... Adults! It reminded me of the time when mom told me she fell madly in love with an american colleague. Guess thats her reason! Oh Gosh! NOT ME! Gwapitos naman ang americano eh! aha! sa tingin mo Chem? =D Then comes the moment of pressure! She was practically the one answerin the questions imposed on me! Haha... I told you... adults ask the same old golden question to a teenager. That was the ambition qn. Mom knows that I yearned badly [then] to become a psychologist and a lawyer. After much exposure to so many courses, lil did she know that my interests had expanded. Lost in the world of courses. So with that, I've gotta work harder.... don't know where yet to go... Cycled to St. Vincent de Paul with Meghana instead of Tavis Stock park. Toured her around. From dipping your hand in the holy water before and after leavin the church, the kneelers, the altars, the missal and lyric books. Everything. Her curiosity lead me to the thought of Hope Church. Smthg tells me that she's into catholic. Perplex state there... She went, "Don't be surprised if one day I ask you to bring me to another church." She's an Indian btw. mardi, janvier 18, 2005
Enemies are gone.... alas!
8:05 PM
dimanche, janvier 16, 2005
1:05 PM
Went for math tuition yesterday. Lil did I expect that my tuition teacher would be so jesus-freak. He reasoned out the absenties I made during the school holidays... He opened up my heart to the world of studying... Not that I don't study, Not that I hate studying, Not that I'm becomin, or is rebellious, just that I was eluding every chance of scoring well for math. He explained to me in such a way that he even brought in his christianity life. How God wants me to work hard for him, for my sisters, for my parents, for my loved ones and lastly me. "For everything we do, we must do our best because all this is for God. He is the one who created us, he will not neglect us. Just do your best and God will do wonders in your life." All I could do is nod... We only managed to go through 2 pages in my book, 2 examples and 2 practices. Even though we only managed that for the whole of 2 hours, at least now I'm more determined. I felt that God spoke to me.... It's just amazing... for some reasons, I don't know why I ended up havin a strong believer in Christ bein' my tuition teacher for the worst subject I dislike... I didnt even know his family is a christian... My tuition teacher simply amazes me. He told me that actually, he didn't want to teach. But God spoke to him, he told him to teach. And as he did, he experienced many miracles in his teachings. HIs students getting perfect scores, being more self-disciplined and a hunger for studying.... Just awesome... and HEY! haha! =D I'm gonna meet his students this Tuesday! YEY!! hehehehehe.... Usually I go there with my sisters, but he encouraged me to go on weekdays, so that I could work with the people I'm taking the same subject with, so as to motivate me and to witness it myself -the people who had been doing outstandingly well in maths. It would be real challenge to me too, since I'm already down with heaps of homework...... I pity his family though.... I just knew that their youngest child's having leukumia... It's a blood cancer... I then sent my sisters home, ever determined... DIdn't have time to change for church cz it ended at 12.30pm. Took a cab down to Nexus.... and as you'll know cabbies also advertise right? This caught my attention.... so I took one.... Man...... It reminded me of my tuition teacher's son. Went for service, the EARLIEST EVER I attended... I wondered why the auditorium was only half full, den I knew that, it ain't the service! Was, I think some prayer meet. Was panicky cause wasnt able to meet Huishi at Somerset mrt... Alas, the people were already streaming in, I sneaked out of nexus to the mrt station. Along the way, I saw Huishi!!! Hash... It's a blessing, she didn't get mad... She was more worried.... ehehehe... =) Here's the gist of the service.... and once again, GOD SPOKE TO ME!!!! WOO-HOO!!! Title: Asking For Directions Verse: Genesis 24:1-14 1: Check God's Word (v1-v6) 2: Trust God's way (v7-v9) 3: God for his Guidance (v10-v14) I'll end with this verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. jeudi, janvier 13, 2005
I saw this in my dad's wallet....
5:14 PM
When my dad was hospitalised due to an appointment of an operation last December, my mom wanted to keep his wallet in safe hands... I kept it.
5:14 PM
jeudi, janvier 06, 2005
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R E D A L E R T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:29 PM
dimanche, janvier 02, 2005
New Year and School Reopenin
9:51 PM
Wahee!~~ Received 3 overseas phone calls my aunt, uncle and a friend I met through my best friend. It's her boyfriend. -__- HAHA! I miss his call though! Whata chance! haha! =p But thanks for the message Daniel! So I just knew my irky prefectorial duties minutes ago. How I PITY the Excos! *clears throat* Well, there's been a lot of changes over the dismissal! Yey!! At least, we won't have to stand infront of the whole school dismissing them! It's gonna go on trial for a week. Honestly, with all those duties and changes, my heart goes out for us, the SC, it would be a real difficult year ahead. A more challengin one and loads of sacrifices made once more. May all of us be bless with much patience in attendin to our fella mates~ Schools ends at 1pm!!! -Tomorrow Ahahaha... Afterwhich, we've mass meeting. SC thingie. [Student Councilor] Then, I've got french class laterz! Yey!! hahaha... And plus, FINALLY, I would be getting the OBS shirt I requested from Barnabas! I wonder if there would be any changes over the time slots. Since there's classes from 2.30-4.30pm and another one at 4.30-6.30pm... Really... with the new changes, I think most schools, or rather, ALL schools would be dismissed only at 3pm. That's the general thing. I wonder how the day would truely go. So peeps, enjoy ur first day!! The rest of the days, our dismissal's pushed back until 3pm! UGGGHHH!! Gee..... I just hope all these changes won't distress me out!!~ Take care y'all and GOD BLESS!!! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The name's Karen. Currently residing in Singapore But her heart belongs in Baguio City She yearns to go to America where her relatives and frens live. Born on the 15th June She's a yellow fanatic. A friendly lass with a good heart. Really. =p Do tag my board yea? EVERYONE'S WELCOME!! ^_^
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all about moi
your profile, wishlist and everything that concerns you in here.a little bit of narcissism won't hurt, and vanity isn't a sin. WISHLIST
A human timer.
I am still that late-comer queen.
(i dont really nid a wishlist..
cz i keep the things noted in my head and
frm dere, once i have enough cash, i buy dem to reward myself. =D
i just need this space filled and a "wishlist" is wat ppl write. crap.)
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Music calms the beast in me. Music calms the beast in me. your links here. keep them in clouds if you want. |