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vendredi, mars 25, 2005
Good Friday
11:27 PM
I subdued my excitement about the break due to Good friday after french class yesterday. However, waking up this morning filled my atmosphere with solemn knowing today's Good friday -The day Jesus Died on the cross for our sins. I slept cz was feelin' lethargic and tired in the afternoon, half an hour before 3pm with my towel! heh... Mom said that no showering from 3pm onwards. I ended up committing a sin for that matter. I woke up at 5pm even after attempting to wake up several times earlier, which of course, failed. Knowing the mass will start in 30 mins time, I still dragged... can't leave my slumber land, my comfy bed... The usual bad habit of mine -drag till the eleventh hour. So I still did bathe not caring about what mom said [naughty me]. Secondly, I was [duh] late for mass, but I still went. [yea.. =)] The church was full-packed. [Awesome] The great moment was when these several crucifixes, were carried by the alter boys and people streaming in line to kiss mainly his feet which was nailed on the cross. (If you have watched the movie "The passion of the Christ" it'll give you the whole picture of his sacrifices for the sins we have caused.) Anyway, yea, the area was wipped each time a new person comes by. Overall, it was momentous. I think it's my first time goin to church on a good friday at St. Vincent de Paul... Ah-leh-hu! Tomorrow marks Easter! wah-hah! My family's celebrating it tomorrow. Usually, Easter's celebrated on Sat and generally on Sunday. It's a formal day and yes, dad's gonna play the guitar tomorrow!!!!!! WOAH!! Boy, I'm so lucky!! haha... Dad's plays the guitar?? In church?? With a huge crowd??? *WOW* *jaw drops in amazement* The next thing you know, there'll be a concert! ;-) hahaha... God bless y'all! Easter bunnies and eggs, here I come! [N O T! Am forbidden from consuming them! Thx to my sore-throat, cough n flu!] |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The name's Karen. Currently residing in Singapore But her heart belongs in Baguio City She yearns to go to America where her relatives and frens live. Born on the 15th June She's a yellow fanatic. A friendly lass with a good heart. Really. =p Do tag my board yea? EVERYONE'S WELCOME!! ^_^
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A human timer.
I am still that late-comer queen.
(i dont really nid a wishlist..
cz i keep the things noted in my head and
frm dere, once i have enough cash, i buy dem to reward myself. =D
i just need this space filled and a "wishlist" is wat ppl write. crap.)
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